miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


Hoy 12 de abril dos profesoras Susannah Chamberlain, Amparo Torrents y las familias de acogidas dimos la bienvenida a 12 alumnos griegos, turcos, polacos, portugueses y lituanos acompañados por profesores en el hotel donde se hospedan los profesores.

Las familias entusiasmadas llevaron a los alumnos a sus hogares.


Today 12th April two teachers Susannah Chamberlain, Amparo Torrents and our host families welcomed 12 Greek, Turkish, Polish, Portuguese and Lithuanian students accompanied by teachers in the hotel where these teachers are hosted.

The families were very enthusiastic waiting for them. Everybody was excited. Our children went home with their families and we said goodnight and see you tomorrow.

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