miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

Hoy 26 de mayo hemos visitado el colegio Milheiros de Poiares y sus instalaciones. Los alumnos y profesores hemos asistido a un taller Fogaca y otro de música. A continuación, hemos tomado un aperitivo con los profesores y realizado un tour por el colegio. Luego, hemos cogido un autobús para comer en el Colegio Arrifana. Después, nos fuimos a dar un paseo para visitar la iglesia. Posteriormente, asistimos a un taller de danza-mates y a otro de lengua portuguesa. Tras los talleres, tuvimos la 1ª reunión del proyecto Erasmus. Finalmente, regresamos al hotel para descansar después de haber disfrutado de este día fantástico.  

Today 26th May, we have visited the school Milheiros de Poiares and its facilities. Students and teachers have attended to the fogaca and music workshops. Afterwards, we had a snack with teachers and visited the school.
After that, we took a bus to have lunch at Arrifana school. Then, we went sightseeing to Arrifana to visit its Church. Next, we attended to Math and dance and Portuguese workshops. After the workshops we had the 1st Erasmus project meeting. Finally, we came back to the hotel to have a rest after having enjoyed this fantastic day.

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